martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Support Homeless Pets Now

Animals need your help. Donate Now.
Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando
Help Now
Urgent: Animals Need Your Help
Dear Diamela,
As we get closer to the end of 2016, I want you to know that the animals at the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando urgently need your help.
Your generosity literally saves lives. Our staff and volunteers turn your support into loving lifesaving care for each animal that comes through our doors.
In fact, support from friends like you has helped us transform the lives of nearly 7,000 animals in 2016. We healed animals that were sick or injured, we helped homeless pets find families, and we provided spay/neuter services to help fight animal homelessness.
But there’s still so much to do. Your tax-deductible gift helps provide the resources we need to save even more lives this year and in 2017.
Support Homeless Pets Now
Help Now
On behalf of all the animals whose lives will be forever changed by your tax-deductible gift, I thank you!
With tremendous gratitude,
Stephen Bardy
Executive Director
Stephen Bardy
Executive Director
Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando
Help Now
Orlando 2727 Conroy Road, Orlando, FL 32839  |  (407) 351-7722
Sanford 2800 County Home Rd Sanford, FL 32773  |  (407) 351-7722

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